Prince Edward Island Electricity Data

Load and Generation Archive

(CSV, Nov. 2012 to Present)

A multi-year archive of data scraped from the province's Wind Energy page.

Current Load and Generation Data

(JSON, updated every 15 min)

A JSON representation of live data from the province's Wind Energy page.

Current Load and Generation Data

(XML, updated every 15 min)

An XML representation of live data from the province's Wind Energy page.

Load and Generation Dashboard

(mobile friendly)

A live view of the current state of data from the province's Wind Energy page.

Load and Generation Chart

(desktop friendly)

A chart showing 14 days of data from the province's Wind Energy page.

Current NBSO Interchange Data

(JSON, updated every 5 min)

A JSON representation of live data from the New Brunswick System Operator.

Current NBSO Interchange Data

(XML, updated every 5 min)

An XML representation of live data from the New Brunswick System Operator.

Household Consumption

(mobile friendly)

Water and electricity consumption from 2 test households.

About this Page

This page aggregates together pointers to various experiments in gathering data about electricty load and generation in PEI. It's maintained by Peter Rukavina.